Charities Regulator Report 2023

The Charities Regulator published its 2023 Annual Report and the following are some of the main points from the report:-

  • 11,516 charities were on the Register of Charities at the end of 2023
  • 130 new charities were registered
  • 120 charities were deregistered
  • 58% of annual reports filed on time, 78% by the end of 2023
  • 632 concerns raised with the Charities Regulator, a slight drop on 2022 with 654 concerns closed
  • 1 statutory investigation opened, with 4 ongoing or paused
  • ‘Advancement of education’ is the most common charitable purpose, cited by 32% of registered charities.
  • Some 52% of registered charities (excluding schools) are volunteer-only organisations.
  • The majority of charities (60%) (excluding schools) have annual income of less than €250,000.
  • New website to check if a charity is registered –
  • 248,858 views of charity records on the Register, up 87% on 2022
  • Over 1,700 compliance and enforcement letters were issued to charities that had either never filed or were late in complying with their legal obligation to submit an annual report within ten months of their financial year-end.
  • The Charities Regulator established a stakeholder forum in 2023 which met twice during the year.
  • 5,365 charities declare that they fully implement the Charities Governance Code – an increase of 14% on 2022.
  • In 2023, 17 external protected disclosures were made to the Chief Executive


NB: The content of this article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other advice.



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