The General Scheme of the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2018 was published in December 2018. The purpose of the Bill is to make a number of amendments to the Companies Act 2014 (the “Act”) including:- The establishment of the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) as a stand-alone agency, to be called
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We are delighted to bring you the news that CLS Chartered Secretaries has been shortlisted for the ICSA The Governance Institute Awards.
The Companies (Statutory Audits) Act 2018 was passed on 25th July 2018. A commencement order was signed on 21st September 2018.
After a number of significant proposals in the committee stages, the Companies (Statutory Audits) Act 2018 has not changed the ability of companies who are late in filing an annual return to apply to the District Court to retain the audit exemption and avoid paying late filing penalties. When the Bill was introduced, it was
CRO got a reaction they were probably hoping for when they sent out their email on 12th October 2017 announcing “CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS HAVE BEEN COMMENCED “. A lot of directors and presenters started asking “what was the chances of them or their companies being prosecuted by the CRO?” Even the title of the email was
All Corporate and legal entities required to maintain a register of beneficial owners detailing all persons owning or controlling more than 25% of the shares or voting rights. This information must be filed online to central register maintained by the Companies Registration Office. This requirement has not yet commenced and is due to be commenced
A revised version of the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations was published on 27th October, 2016. The Code is principles-based and is adopted on a “comply-or-explain” basis. It comprises a set of recommended practices for the boards of community, voluntary and charitable organisations. In late 2015 the Governance Code Working Group (GCWG)
We have written about cases before the Courts where directors have been restricted or disqualified to highlight to directors the important role they play in a company and to remind them of their duties and responsibilities. Many of the cases such as the Glenda Gilson case show the directors being restricted or disqualified. A&L Goodbody
The Court of Appeal clarified handed down an important decision in an appeal case taken by the Director of Corporate Enforcement against a decision in Re Walfab Engineering Limited. The Court has re-affirmed that no material distinctions exist in the company law obligations of a director of any type of company regardless of the size
An important judgement was given by Mr. Justice Gilligan in a restriction case involving Glenda Gilson in determining the role of a second “passive director” plays in a company. The judge in a 32 page judgement, addressed the role a second director plays in a company that they have a duty and a responsibility toward