The rules regarding members meetings are contained in Part 4 Corporate Governance of the Companies Act 2014. These meetings are important as the directors do not hold all the powers of a company and certain decisions must be referred back to the members for approval. Before an AGM or EGM is convened, the constitution of
An important judgement was given by Mr. Justice Gilligan in a restriction case involving Glenda Gilson in determining the role of a second “passive director” plays in a company. The judge in a 32 page judgement, addressed the role a second director plays in a company that they have a duty and a responsibility toward
The legislation regarding loans and transactions between companies and directors is contained in Volume 1 Part 5 Duties of Directors and Other Officers. The main sections are 219, 220, 236 – 248. The main legislation is below and you can click here for access to the full section from the Companies Act 2014. FRS102 should
If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.” ~Dave Barry, “Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn The world of business seems to be obsessed with meetings. Meetings do have their usefulness