Posts Categorized: Basic Company Secretarial

Alteration of Constitution

Alteration of Constitution The Conversion Deadline Has Passed…. So what now? The Companies Act 2014 was introduced on 1st June 2015 and it replaced the Companies Acts 1963-2013. As well as consolidating the previous legislation it also sought to simplify procedures and introduced changes in practices. With the transition period now well and truly behind

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Every January we set out ten points to consider from a company law and company secretarial practice perspective. These are the points we see practitioners having issues with but never get around to putting policies in place to ensure they don’t happen or changes that should be considered by your clients. Electronic Filing & PDF

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CRO got a reaction they were probably hoping for when they sent out their email on 12th October 2017 announcing “CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS  HAVE BEEN COMMENCED “. A lot of directors and presenters started asking “what was the chances of them or their companies being prosecuted by the CRO?” Even the title of the email was

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The introduction of mandatory electronic filing forced all presenters and companies to electronically file annual returns. Most people have had experience in electronic filing but like any process there are challenges and issued to be aware of. This article will attempt to highlight some of the important areas to consider in advance of the deadline

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Last minute panic!! This can happen pretty often when forming a company… Everything else has been done and you go into the bank and they ask you for the Certificate of Incorporation and suddenly there’s a mad scramble to get the company formed ASAP. This is why the process needs to be started early and

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