The implementation of the Beneficial Ownership Regulations is fast approaching. The Central Register of Beneficial Ownership website has gone live. The website has a helpful FAQ section which covers any questions companies, directors, shareholders and presenters may have on the regulations. Registration will commence on 22nd June 2019 and companies will then have 5 months
The new Charities Governance Code was published on 7th November 2018. The Code sets out the minimum standards Charities should meet to effectively manage and control their charity. The purpose is to help charities to meet their legal obligations under the Charities Act 2009. This is something many charities struggle. The Code is written with
Catch up with Conors’ latest interview concerning the new beneficial ownership register and its implications. Conor spoke with Vincent Wall on Newstalk Business Breakfast and you can listen back here – just search for the 16th of May, select the second podcast and the segment is 8 minutes in!
Check out Conor Sweeney’s latest interview with One News here – he details who needs to sign up to the new beneficial owners register and why.
Check out Conor Sweeney’s latest interview with Morning Ireland here – he details who needs to sign up to the new beneficial owners register and why.
Our April Newsletter is out now, featuring: Loans to Directors and Connected Persons New Beneficial Ownership 2019 Regulations Training & Events in 2019 Click Here to View
Beneficial Ownership Regulations Passed The European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2019 (the “2019 Regulations”) were passed on 22nd March 2019. The 2016 Regulations that came into force on 15 November 2016 have been revoked and replaced by the 2019 Regulations. Key Features of the Regulations The Regulations require corporate or
Our January Newsletter is out now! Featuring: Top 10 CoSec Points 2019 Proposed New Changes to the Companies Act 2014 Upcoming Seminars in 2019 Read it Here
Every January we set out ten points to consider from a company law and company secretarial practice perspective. These are practical points for all firms to consider that may bring some benefit to the services you provide. As always if we can be of any help please feel free to contact any one of the
The General Scheme of the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2018 was published in December 2018. The purpose of the Bill is to make a number of amendments to the Companies Act 2014 (the “Act”) including:- The establishment of the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) as a stand-alone agency, to be called